Welcome to

ave Rado’s web site

Click here to find out about the MVP programme


At present, the only section of this site that is live is the Photo Gallery, which will be greatly expanded as time goes on. Other sections will also be added soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs! (Use the menu above to navigate). Look under By event if you're interested in my personal photos; look under By Place or By subject if interested in buying a photograph.

I also set up and have written many articles for the Word FAQ site at www.mvps.org/word/, on behalf of the Word MVPs, all of whom contribute to it. If you have any queries relating to Microsoft Word, I hope you will explore that site as well.

Please note that the content of this site is copyright © 2000– Dave Rado. However, the photographs, although there primarily for your enjoyment, are available for sale as prints, transparencies or as commercial-quality electronic files .